Oct 13, 2018 Apr 15, 2019

Painting the Night

Peter Doig, Milky Way, 1989-90


Oct 13, 2018 Apr 15, 2019


Galerie 2, Galerie 3


Jean-Marie Gallais, head of exhibitions, Centre Pompidou-Metz

Research and Exhibition Officer

Alexandra Müller

The topic of night has infiltrated current debates concerning society (should we open shops at night or preserve that time for sleep?), the environment (how can we limit night light pollution which prevents us from seeing the stars and impacts natural life?), politics (the French “Nuit Debout” movement, clandestine nightly border crossings), science (we are constantly furthering our knowledge of the phenomenon).

Night-time, and the many questions it prompts, has haunted artists particularly since the late 19th century. Thanks to such ground-breaking discoveries as electrification and lighting, psychoanalysis and the advent of the space age the night has evolved, transforming us in turn: theories have consequently been completely reviewed changing our relationship to the night-tide.


Avec le soutien du Département de la Moselle

Mécène fondateur

Mécènes de l'exposition

Avec le concours des Pianos Schaeffer

    En partenariat média avec

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